Mounds of Kiwis

July 26, 2013 After tossing around ideas about a variety of perma-agriculture methods for several weeks, on the 16th of July Ruth and Aaron strategically built a hugelkultur mound under the arbor to host some incoming kiwi plants from Kiwi Bob. Hugelkultur (German – lit. Mound Culture) is a method of soil amendment that removes […]

Day of Dragonflies

July 7, 2013 Today, I was thigh deep in Green Lake, helping Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) haul Eurasian Watermilfoil out of the water. (Eurasian milfoil is an invasive non-native plant.) Dragonflies were everywhere and some were quite large, though not as big as this one pictured here from Butchart Gardens. (Possible sound wall art?) […]

The Best Sheet Mulching Conditions are Upon Us

June 28, 2013 The grass is short and the ground is moist – perfect conditions for sheet mulching. Now is a window of opportunity to smother more grass at the Orchard. Come anytime from 2:00 – 4:00 PM, this Sunday, June 30. There will be light tasks and heavier tasks. Materials and tools will be […]