
July 22, 2024 Jennifer secured an appointment for a ZooDoo pickup recently so off we went, Philippa and I, to the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo even though the temperature was 93 degrees! We actually didn’t notice the heat much, mostly because we had a fascinating conversation with Aarin Wilde, the new Dr. Doo. Phillipa started […]

A Taste of Ethnobotany – Yarrow for Tomorow

June 29, 2024 The 2024 Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) Study Weekend took place on the traditional lands of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe. Many plant enthusiasts were privileged to participate in field trips led by Tribal Citizens. On Sunday I attended a field trip on ethnobotany – the scientific* study of the traditional knowledge and […]

Public Spaces As Meaningful Places

May 21, 2024 Last week, Nancy and I wedged ourselves between students in a small room at Gould Hall. We heard Amelia Kazunas present a 10-minute summary of her Capstone project. The project aimed to discover how Seattle residents convert wild spaces into meaningful places. Following the public presentation at Gould Hall, she was grilled […]

Not to Whine over the Columbine

April 24, 2024 “I can do this. I’ll take a seed tray of Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) home and watch over it,” I announced to the native plant nursery co-chair at Magnuson Park. It was late November, when we propagate native plants by seed. The nursery leader makes a delicate, moist seed-potting medium. You push […]

Gardening for the Greater Good

March 26, 2024 Geurrilla gardening is an ancient practice that began centuries ago when property became a commodity, versus a community resource. It is practiced all over the world! These days, you can ask permission to plant on a site or you can just do it and hope that you or your plants don’t go […]

WSDOT Has Poor Vision

February 27, 2024 Something is missing at the north end of our orchard. Before December, 2023, when I walked around the north loop, there was vegetation on the north side of the WSDOT fence, including our beautiful Deodar Cedar that we transplanted in 2015. I didn’t realize how that sweeping tree added a peaceful touch […]

FECO Native Plant Mini-nursery Socked by ‘Dry Storm’

January 18, 2024 April 7 is our annual plant sale and we plan to have some fine offerings, that is, if the plants survive the recent dry freeze. These last two weeks of unusual Seattle weather challenged many plants. The air over our area has been extraordinarily dry, due to the frigid low-moisture Arctic air […]

FECO Land Acknowledgment – A Work-In-Progress

November 16, 2023 Thanks to Lee who, in April of 2022, kicked off the conversation about FECO’s relationship to Native American people, whose homes were on this land before European settlers arrived. A six-member FECO Coast Salish Solidarity Group emerged and met monthly to wrestle with steps we could take to better understand the history […]

Getting to the Root of the Matter

October 28, 2023 Today was a perfect day for shoveling! Cool temperatures and a warm sun. Best of all, the soil was moist and loose. Volunteers were willing to follow up on a hunch and dug down to the concrete fence footing next to a poorly performing garden bed. Was the problem too much shade […]

To Net or Not

September 30, 2023 To Net or Not This year I got the hang of netting fruit trees. Not by choice. Our fruit trees were hit by apple maggot fly larvae damage two years ago. The larvae tunnel throughout the apple and ruin the taste (unlike other pest damage that can just be cut off.) City […]