Day of Dragonflies

July 7, 2013 Today, I was thigh deep in Green Lake, helping Friends of Green Lake (FOGL) haul Eurasian Watermilfoil out of the water. (Eurasian milfoil is an invasive non-native plant.) Dragonflies were everywhere and some were quite large, though not as big as this one pictured here from Butchart Gardens. (Possible sound wall art?) […]

State of the Orchard Address

June 6, 2013 We had .4 inches of rain last week. We are now watering trees and shrubs. (Water courtesy of Mylinda.) Anyone can take a turn at watering. Let us know if you are interested. The City is behind in mowing. They promise to mow the south half of the orchard very soon. (We […]

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Provides Financial Support

April 15, 2013 We just heard that we have been awarded a grant from the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON). This grant is for a design/community engagement process and will take about ten months to implement. Now, more than ever, we need volunteers! The Steering Committee is planning a Grant kick-off meeting in […]