You Need This Kind of Friend

April 25, 2021 An old pal and I were talking about different kinds of friends. We have friends who challenge us, helping us to be the best we can be. Hopefully, we also have a friend who thinks we are wonderful and that everything we do is amazing. Joan Davis. Everyone needs a friend like […]

Pruners Without Borders

March 15, 2021 FECO volunteers, Reid and Jacob, both well over six feet tall, used their height last summer to glean a few figs from a tree in Green Lake Park. They agreed that the tree needed care. This spring, Reid asked me if I might be interested in helping them prune the tree. I […]

Is Anything Happening in the Winter? Don’t yawn yet!

February 16, 2021 “Do ya need any help in the winter?” Visitors stop us from our work and ask this question, with some frequency. My response is, “Yes! But the winter tasks are not very sexy.” How lucky are we. During these winter months, an energetic group of volunteers kept their shoulder to the plow. […]