Entries by Ruth


Winter Moth on Attack

May 3, 2017 On April 21, I noticed a rolled leaf on the Twinberry at our house. I shuffled over to our apple tree. Hmm. More rolled leaves. I jogged up to the orchard and every fruit tree that had leafed out showed this same leaf damage. What was this small green larvae with a […]


Off With Its Head!

March 3, 2017 The bold Honeycrisp is too tall! “Bring down the height and the apples are within reach, plus the ladder can stay in the shed.” We all nod with approval. Ingela is convincing. Eight of us gathered in February to enjoy Ingela’s annual pruning class. She walked around each tree, backed up, pondered, […]

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Planning for 2017

January 31, 2017 Eleven thoughtful volunteers met this month to sketch out a vision for the coming year. The Cider Fest will be our key event, we will add a few more fruit trees and bushes and the food bank bed is expanding. (Note Sue’s gorgeous December lettuce, photo taken just after three periods of […]