Space To GROW

September 17, 2014 We have plenty of space to grow more plants in the orchard! We could spend a lot of money purchasing all the berry bushes and companion plants we need to fill the tree guilds and planting beds. Instead, we are propagating our own plants, mostly from cuttings and division. New plants, new […]

An extra minute can mean a lot

July 3, 2014 Many thanks to Greg Meyer who spotted a shed for sale (see photo). Greg took an extra minute to write down the pertinent details and forward them to us. When the owner, Andy Farr, found out that it was for a community orchard, he donated the shed! With the generous services and […]

The Bees Begin

April 2, 2014 Draping over the corner of the orchard is a giant weeping willow. It was in full bloom during the March 16 work party, with innumerable sparkling yellow catkins. The willow is an important source of pollen for bees because it blooms early in the year. The Temperate Climate Permaculture website has all […]