The Perfect Fruit Tree Owner

August 29, 2019 McIntosh. My favorite. Most will say you can’t grow a Mac here. Well, there is at least one tree in the Seattle area. Lori Brakken, apple sleuth, drives around and slams on the brakes when she spots any apple tree. She saw a Mac in the Seattle area and called me up. […]

Pollen in the Wind

mobile phone users-you have to scroll to the very bottom to see the right sidebar information July 2, 2019 I am riding my bike around Wallingford, looking for a couple of big Chestnut (Castanea) trees. I know they are here somewhere. Our lonely Prococe tree needs pollen. I have her male catkins stuck on the […]

Welcome to our Demonstration Garden!

May 14, 2019                                                                                                      DONATIONS PAGE LINK The fruit trees in the orchard this year would amaze anyone. They are striking and flush … with pests. It’s true. Come and allow us to demonstrate all manner of pest infestation plus other unsightly disorders. Last year was a record bounty but, this year, we are counting on […]