Turn over a new leaf – if you still have one!

August 22, 2021 Our June heat wave hit just after the summer solstice, precisely when the days are the longest of the year. Double whammy! Record high temperatures in June beat our plants to the max. Ouch! We all witnessed the most obvious punishment, sun scald. What’s a plant to do? The stomata pores of […]

The Handy Dande

May 19, 2021 Dandelion – Taraxacum officinale – origin from Greek words meaning ‘disorder remedy’ – Asteraceae family. How did we ever come to hate dandelions? Well, who knows. In any case, Europeans thought them valuable enough to tote them to the New World in the 1600’s. In ancient times, the plant was valued as […]

Is Anything Happening in the Winter? Don’t yawn yet!

February 16, 2021 “Do ya need any help in the winter?” Visitors stop us from our work and ask this question, with some frequency. My response is, “Yes! But the winter tasks are not very sexy.” How lucky are we. During these winter months, an energetic group of volunteers kept their shoulder to the plow. […]