Welcome to our Demonstration Garden!

May 14, 2019                                                                                                      DONATIONS PAGE LINK The fruit trees in the orchard this year would amaze anyone. They are striking and flush … with pests. It’s true. Come and allow us to demonstrate all manner of pest infestation plus other unsightly disorders. Last year was a record bounty but, this year, we are counting on […]

In Praise of the Power of Pollinators

August 5, 2018 Gardening is hard work. It is rewarding, but the task is never over. That’s why we should always remember to give thanks to all the help we get at the orchard. Our wonderful volunteers help keep us going. But our hardest workers are some of our smallest. Without our pollinators, we wouldn’t […]

Good Soil Biology – The Perfect Recipe For Plants

December 19, 2017 It’s time to honor our important volunteers who live in the soil – the nematodes, protozoa, microarthropods, fungi and bacteria. All these fellows work tirelessly underground, decomposing organic matter and pooping out the nutrients in the form that plants can use. In fact, organic matter is the only food we have supplied […]