Tag Archive for: FECO

The Microbes Version of the Thermal Compost

March 13, 2020 The Essence of A Thermal Compost as told by the microbes, in community Material Variety Amy Amoeba begins the compost story, “Wow. I just got thrown onto a big pile with critters I have never seen before.” “Yes indeed”, echos Belinda Bacteria ecstatically, “Look at all the nitrogen choices: one bucket beer […]

Ten Years at Freeway Estates

February 18, 2020 Volunteers who put in 20+ hours last year gathered recently to sip Chestnut soup and brainstorm. Good ideas flowed, including a suggestion to add a sign to the kiosk, summarizing our efforts during the past ten years. Below is the content created by the 20-hour club. Freeway Estates Community Orchard (FECO) is […]

Pathogen-Reducing Compost

January 14, 2020 © 2020 Benefits of compost are widely known: 1) enhances water holding capacity, soil structure, organic matter, drainage, and nutrient holding capacity of soil, 2) provides a source of beneficial microbes, 3) decreases both inputs (to your garden) and outputs (from your garden), a plus for sustainability, and, 4) reduces fertilizer and […]