The Ant Rant

September 12, 2024 The Ants Go Stinging One By One, Hurrah, Hurrah?? Ants exploded out of the gravel and dashed in all directions. In no time many scurried up my glove and onto my skin, blasting formic acid from bottom of their butts. Trying to solve an irrigation problem, I had disrupted an ant colony. […]

Place based, Kids and Curiosity

August 28, 2024 For eight years, several times each summer, children from the nearby KidsCo summer camp have been visiting FECO. When we see them march around the corner we rush up to the shed to greet them. They range from five to 12 years of age. They are delightful. Often the older kids help […]

A Gift of Doo from the Zoo & Composting Careers

July 22, 2024 Jennifer secured an appointment for a ZooDoo pickup recently so off we went, Philippa and I, to the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo even though the temperature was 93 degrees! We actually didn’t notice the heat much, mostly because we had a fascinating conversation with Aarin Wilde, the new Dr. Doo. Phillipa started […]