FECO’s Watershed and its History

July 23, 2023 Eight walkers joined Nancy Helm to learn about the watershed that FECO drains into and to hear about the people who historically used the Ravenna Creek area. Participants added to the history walk with information about native plants and stories of the old landfill in the Union Bay area. Nancy explained that […]

State of the Onion – 2023

June 28, 2023 The State of the Onion – 2023 To offer a quick snapshot of the State of the Onion at FECO, we will get the perspective of a few of our residents. from the voice of the newly hatched Southern Green stink bug ( Nezara viridula), having just crawled out of their egg […]

The Way of Non-Attachment

December 27, 2022 Our FECO project is quite unique. Our volunteers don’t have their own garden plots. They don’t come to grow food and take it home with them. Most growing areas are dedicated to a Food Bank. Food of lesser value goes to the volunteers. The reward for people who volunteer here is maintaining […]